En familj
Den pillerknaprande matriarken Violet Weston (Meryl Streep) bor i den amerikanska södern och leder en av de mest dysfunktionella familjerna i grannskapet. En natt försvinner Violets man Beverly Weston mystiskt och utan ett spår. Hans försvinnande får parets tre döttrar att återvända till sitt barndomshem tillsammans med sina respektive. Hemligheter uppdagas och hätska ord flyger under de heta augustidagar som mamman och döttrarna kämpar med sina gamla roller i en oförlåtlig familjehierarki.
Dottern Barbara Weston (Julia Roberts) kommer dit med sin man Bill (Ewan McGregor) och de har sin beskärda del av hemligheter och tragik. Bill har haft en affär med en ung tonåring och det faktum ligger och pyr mellan de båda. Otroheten kommer upp till ytan när de vid ett tillfälle inte riktigt kommer överens:
Barbara: "Grow up! While you are dyeing your hair and going through your fifth puberty, the world is falling apart, and our kid can't handle it."
Bill: "Our kid is trying to deal with this goddamn madhouse you've dragged her into."
Barbara: "This madhouse is my home."
Bill: "Yeah, think about that statement for a second, why don't you?"
Barbara: "Jean is here with me because this is a family event."
Bill: "Jean is here because she's a buffer between you and the shrill insanity of your mother."
Barbara: "You'd have a lot more credibility if you had any credibility. You're an easy mark."
Bill: "You're so goddamn self-righteous, you know that?"
Barbara: "Surely you must have realized when you started porking Pippi Longstocking that you were due for some self-righteousness, just a smidge of indignation on my part."
Bill: "Maybe I split because of it."
Barbara: "Oh, is this your confession, then? When you finally unload all, hmm?"
Bill: "You're thoughtful, Barbara, but you're not open. You're passionate, but you're hard. You're a good, decent, funny, wonderful woman, and I love you, but you're a pain in the ass!"
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