Bild från tv-serien "The Bear"

The Bear

Avsnitt: Honeydew

Under renoveringen av restaurangen, skickas dessertkocken Marcus (Lionel Boyce) till Köpenhamn för att lära sig mer, och få ny inspiration. På
flygplatsen påminner hans kompis Chester (Carmen Christopher) honom att IKEA är svenskt och inte danskt.

Chester: "I want you to take a deep breath and let the good in, and also be aware I learned some Danish words, so we'll still be connected when you get back."
Marcus: "What'd you learn?"
Chester: "Flyvemaskine. I think that's 'airplane.'"
Marcus: "Alright."
Chester: "And then, um, klimaanlage. Uh, 'air conditioner.'"
Marcus: "That's important, in the winter."
Chester: "I mean, you never know. Global warming is poppin' off."
Marcus: "Alright."
Chester: "Alright, I love you, dawg."
Marcus: "Alright, love you, too."
Chester: "Oh, and do not bring up Ikea out there. That's in Sweden, not Denmark. They don't mess with that. I had to learn the wrong way."

Audio file

Affisch för tv-serien "The Bear"

Monica Eriksson

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