Bidl från serien "The big bang theory"

The big bang theory

Avsnitt: The cognition regeneration

Leonard (Johnny Galecki), Sheldon (Jim Parsons), Howard (Simon Helberg) och Raj (Kunal Nayyar) förlorar stort mot ett gäng skolungar i ett onlinespel, och det gör att grabbarna börjar ifrågasätta sina liv och karriärer. Har de gjort rätt val, har de satsat på rätt saker och så vidare. Sheldon drar det hela till sin spets och blir - som vanligt - ganska outhärdlig, och Amy (Mayim Bialik) ryter ifrån vid ett tillfälle, något som hon sedan ber om ursäkt för:

Amy: "I made you tea."
Sheldon: "Thank you."
Amy: "I'm sorry I called you a quitter."
Sheldon: "It's okay, I stopped being upset about that. And no, the irony is not lost on me."
Amy: "What are you reading?"
Sheldon: "This article says the peak age for making a Nobel Prize-winning discovery is 40."
Amy: "So?"
Sheldon: "So I'm running out of time."
Amy: "That's ridiculous. You're a brilliant man. The best years of your life are still ahead of you."
Sheldon: "Oh, you have to say that, you're sweet on me."
Amy: "Well, if you're really worried about your career, maybe you should consider spending a little less time with video games and comic books."
Sheldon: "Hey! I thought you were sweet on me!"
Amy: "Okay, fine, let's say you never win a Nobel Prize. Let's say you spend your life doing solid scientific research surrounded by friends and loved ones who appreciate you, not for what you've accomplished but for who you are as a man. Wouldn't that be a life well lived?"
Sheldon: "You're so cute. I'm gonna go learn how to walk on stilts."
Amy: "So many warnings."

Audio file

Samtidigt så har Leonard och Penny blivit bjudna på middag av Pennys före detta pojkvän, Zack (Brian Thomas Smith) som vill erbjuda Penny ett jobb. Zack är inte det skarpaste kniven i lådan, vilket kanske märks av följande dialog där Zack pratar om hur Leonard och Sheldon för tillfället jobbar på en grej åt amerikanska militären:

Zack: "Working on a top-secret government project, that is so cool."
Leonard: "Oh."
Zack: "Do you have a bodyguard to keep spies away?"
Leonard: "I have Sheldon, that keeps most people away."
Zack: "I miss that guy.  He's like the Swedish Chef Muppet. I don't know what he's saying, but he's funny."
Leonard: "Oh, I know what he's saying, and he's not. He's not funny."

Audio file

Affisch för serien "The big bang theory"

Monica Eriksson

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