Bidl från tv-serien The rookie

The rookie

Avsnitt: Breaking point

Poliserna Nyla Harper (Mekia Cox) och John Nolan (Nathan Fillion) är på väg ut till patrullbilen och småpratar lite. Harper ska få träffa sin dotter och är orolig över situationen eftersom hon inte träffat henne på så länge:

Harper: "What?"
Nolan: "Nothing. What's got you a million miles away?"
Harper: "Nothing. Judge granted me an overnight visit with Lila. Tomorrow night."
Nolan: "That's great. You must be so happy."
Harper: "If you equate debilitating anxiety with happiness, then sure. It's been six months since I spent more than a couple hours a week with her. It's just, she's changed so much."
Nolan: "And you're afraid that you've forgotten how to be a mom?"
Harper: "No."
Nolan: "Don't worry. She's gonna be so excited just to hang out with you. You got her room all set up?"
Harper: "Yeah, I'm doing that tonight. I have a stack of Swedish furniture to assemble."
Nolan: "Well, if you need a hand..."
Harper: "What, you think because I'm a girl, I'm not handy?"
Nolan: "Not what I said. I just know how challenging Allen wrench furniture can be."
Harper: "Fair point."

Audio file

Affisch för tv-serien The rookie

Mikael Hallberg

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