Bild från tv-serien Taxi


Avsnitt: The great line

I baren får John (Randall Carver) syn på en snygg tjej, men är för blyg för att gå fram och prata med henne. Bobby Wheeler (Jeff Conaway) ger honom lite tips om hur man ska öppna konversationen och tipset är att säga "Vi hoppar över introduktionerna, ska vi sticka och gifta oss?". John gör detta, får napp och har en riktigt trevlig kväll. Några dagar senare kommer han, smått chockad, in i taxigaraget och när hans kollegor frågar vad som hänt får vi reda på detta:
John: "Remember that girl I met in the bar?"
Tony (Tony Danza): "Yeah."
John: "I married her."
Alla: "You what? Oh, my...! What?!"
Elaine (Marilu Henner): "How could you do that? How could you do something like that?"
Bobby: "John, that was just a line. You weren't supposed to do it."
Alex (Judd Hirsch): "John, what's the matter with you? How could you do a thing like that?"
John: "I don't know. There we were, bowling and joking about whoever lost paid for the marriage license. The next thing I know, we were eloping to Maryland in her best friend's Volvo."
Alex: "John, how... John, did you think? Did you say to yourself, 'What am I doing? This has to stop!'"
John: "Yeah. Unfortunately, I didn't say it to her. It was like some game of chicken. Each one of us thinking the other would call it off. I kept thinking she'd brake any minute as we drove through New York, then through Lincoln Tunnel, then to New Jersey..."
Alex: "John, do me a favor. Don't say every landmark from here to Maryland, okay?"
John: "It's all so weird! It was so terrific being with her that we were in Maryland before we knew it."
Tony: "Yeah, them Volvos are great."

Audio file


Affisch för tv-serien Taxi

Niklas "Varulven" Chaligo

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