Bild från serien "The white lotus"

The white lotus

Avsnitt: In the sandbox

Tanya (Jennifer Coolidge) är på semester på Sicilien och bor på hotellet The White Lotus. Hon blir snabbt bekant med Quentin (Tom Hollander) som bjuder in Tanya till en strandklubb i Taormina. De sitter och småpratar och hon frågar om en liten ö som ligger i närheten.

Tanya: "This place is so beautiful."
Quentin: "It is."
Tanya: "I just wanna know the... What... what is that?"
Quentin: "Isola Bella. There's a story attached to that island. There's a house on it. It was owned by a wealthy Swedish family, and the old matriarch was the last one living in it. And there were these powerful local investors, if you know what I mean, who wanted the house, wanted the island. But the old battle-axe wouldn't budge. They made her all kinds of offers. And then one day, her body was found in a heap at the bottom of the rocks."
Tanya: "They killed her? Oh, my God!"
Quentin: "But now, the house is open to the public, so maybe it was worth it."

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Affisch för serien "The white lotus"

Monica Eriksson

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