Bild från filmen "The man with the iron heart"

The man with the iron heart

Reinhard Heydrich (Jason Clarke) var mannen med planen hur alla icke-önskade personer i det tredje riket skulle tas om hand om, och helt enkelt försvinna från jordens yta, på de mest horribla sätt. I sin plan berättar han steg för steg hur de olika ländernas oliktänkade bör tas om hand om, samt radar upp statistik om hur många som finns i de olika länderna;

Reinhard Heydrich: "Will you please turn to page five, gentlemen? This will give you some idea of the task at hand. The figures from our most recent census, dated the 1st of January 1942. Germany: 700,000. Poland: 2 million. Latvia: 300,000. Lithuania: 150,000. Estonia: already cleansed. Satellite countries: Slovakia: 88,000. Croatia: 40,000. Allies: Italy, including Sardinia: 58,000. Neutral countries: 18,000. Sweden: 8,000. Turkey: 55,000. And so on down the page. The Einsatzgruppen are already working at maximum efficiency. The elimination of between eleven and twelve million individuals requires a more systematic approach, requires more advanced technology. There is much work to be done."

Audio file

Affisch för filmen "The man with the iron heart"

Mr Cane


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