The big bang theory
Avsnitt: The big bran hypothesis
Leonard (Johnny Galecki) och Sheldon (Jim Parsons) delar lägenhet och när Penny (Kaley Cuoco) flyttar in i lägenheten bredvid och Leonard faller som en fura för henne och vill imponera på henne på olika sätt. Hur som helst ska de hjälpa Penny att montera ett tv-bord som hon nyss har köpt, men Penny menar att hon nog klarar av det själv...
Leonard: "Six two-inch dowels?"
Sheldon: "Check."
Leonard: "One package Philips head screws?"
Sheldon: "Check."
Penny: "Guys, seriously, I grew up on a farm, okay? I rebuilt a tractor engine when I was, like, 12. I think I can put together a cheap Swedish media center."
Leonard: "Please, we insist. It's the least we can do, considering..."
Sheldon: "Considering what? How great this place looks?"
Wolowitz: "Oh, boy, I was afraid of this."
Leonard: "What?"
Wolowitz: "These instructions are a pictographic representation of the least imaginative way to assemble these components. This right here is why Sweden has no space program."
Penny: "It looked pretty good in the store."
Leonard: "It is an inefficient design."
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