Testbild i väntan på en innehållsrelaterad bild


Avsnitt: The bottle deposit

Jerrys Saab blir stulen av hans bilmekaniker och Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) och Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) kallas till en brottsplats där de frågas om den totalt demolerade bil som polisen har funnit är Jerrys:

Polis: "And we know it's a Saab. The angle on the Vee-6 is definitely ninety-two. The model is hard to determine because the drive train is all burnt out."
Jerry: "What is that smell?"
Polis: "Look at the clutch."
Elaine: "Uuh."
Ung polis: "Excuse me."
Polis: "Whoever did this didn't just dismantle it. I mean, they took their time, they had fun. They were very systematic. They went out of their way to gouge the sides of every piston, and the turbo was separated from the housing and shoved right up the exhaust pipe. "
Elaine: "Uhh"
Jerry: "Wait a second. Turbo? I didn't have a turbo."
Polis: "Your car's not a turbo?"
Jerry: "No, it's a 900S. It's a turbo, Elaine, a turbo!"
Elaine: "It's a tu-hur-bo."
Ung kvinna: "Excuse me, did you say turbo? Saab turbo nine-thousand? Is it... midnight blue?"
Polis: "Yes ma'am."

Audio file

Affisch för tv-serien Seinfeld

Lars Kanderhag, Erik Nilsson, Per Söderberg, Ola Arnryd, Niklas Sörman, Michael Sjöstedt, Niklas Börjesson, Andreas Unnervik, Jacqueline

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