Veronica Mars
Avsnitt: Poughkeepsie, tramps & thieves
Rektor Cyrus O'Dell (Ed Begly Jr.) har dött och även om den lokala polisen inte tror att det är ett mord så är Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell) och hennes pappa Keith (Enrico Colantoni) övertygade om det. Som gammal polis klär sig Keith i en extrauniform och frågar ut några tjejer som Veronica och han anser kan ha något med mordet att göra:
Keith: "Nish. You were out egging buildings the night the dean died, but you weren't with them when they egged the deans' office. Where were you?"
Nish: "First of all, I don't have to say anything. And second of all, I'm pretty sure what you're doing right now is illegal. But I'll tell you. What the hell, I've got nothing to hide. I went around and egged the deans' car."
Keith: "His car..."
Nish: "That Volvo that he loves so much."
Audio file
Lite senare diskuterar Keith det med Veronica:
Keith: "Your buddy Nish said specificly that she egged the deans' Volvo, but according to the report the Dean was driving the mini-van, that's the car they found on the parking lot."
Veronica: "So Nish is lying?"
Keith: "Or maybe the deans' Volvo was also there. That's the car Mindy was driving that night. Maybe she paid a visit to her husband."
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