Only murders in the building
Avsnitt: The tell
Som om det inte vore nog för stackars Mabel Mora (Selena Gomez), Charles-Haden Savage (Steve Martin) och Oliver Putnam (Martin Short) att de kretsade kring ett första mord och var mer eller mindre misstänkta, så sker ytterligare ett mord i huset som de alla tre bor i. Eftersom de blivit kändisar genom sin true crime-podcast så ar de upp facklan och gör en andra säsong.
När Mabel flickvän Alice (Cara Delevingne) övertalar Mabel att ha en fest i sin lägenhet ser Oliver och Charles en möjlighet att fiska efter ledtrådar bland gästerna.
Charles är misstänksam mot Alice, men hon stryker honom medhårs från första stund de möts genom att lyfta fram en film från hans förflutna; Encounter at Uppsala.
Alice: "Can I say I couldn't be more excited to meet the both of you?"
Charles: "Oh!"
Alice: "And hold on. Charles, were you not in..."
Mabel: "Here we go."
Alice: "...that Swedish movie with that tempestuous throuple that go camping and torture each other with orgasms?"
Chales: "You saw Encounter at Uppsala? I played the park ranger."
Alice: "Fabulously, by the way. If it were in anyone else's hands, it would have just been an average peeping tom. It's one of the most memorable half-scenes of the entire film. Honestly."
Oliver: "And how did you see this movie?"
Alice: "I took a class on deviant sexuality in Scandinavian cinema."
Audio file
Det hela ställs på sin spets, och Oliver konfronterar Alice, med hjälp av Charles och då kommer den svenska porrfilmen upp igen:
Charles: "I know it seems crazy, but Alice came into your life so soon after Bunny died. We thought she might be up to something."
Oliver: "And she is. She's lying to you, and everyone else here tonight, aren't you?"
Alice: "No... Stop!"
Oliver: "Admit it. You never saw his weird Swedish porno film, and you are not who you say you are."
Alice: "Okay! Fine. I didn't go to Oxford. And no one in my family is rich or is in the arts. But who wants to buy a $50,000 painting from the daughter of a plumber from Essex? I didn't think so. I've had to lie to create some legitimacy for myself in this world. And, yes, I get the irony in what I just said. And now, if you are done humiliating me... Game over, please. Thank you."
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