The big bang theory
Avsnitt: The geology elevation
Geologforskaren Bert (Brian Posehn) har fått ett pris, MacArthur-stipendiet på 5 miljoner kronor, och Sheldon har svårigheter att greppa det hela. I Sheldons ögon är Bert en jätte som bara leker med stenar, och Sheldon går igenom en tuff tid med mörka tankar och avundsjuka. Till slut tröttnar Leonard på Sheldons gnäll och ringer upp Stephen Hawking, vars inspirerande ord får Sheldon på bättre tankar.
Leonard: "Hey, Sheldon, I've got someone here who might make you feel better."
Stephen Hawking: "Hello, Sheldon."
Sheldon: "Professor Hawking?"
Stephen Hawking: "I understand you're struggling with professional jealousy."
Sheldon: "Thanks, Leonard, now he's not gonna think I'm cool!"
Stephen Hawking: "Don't worry, I know how you feel. I have never won a Nobel Prize."
Sheldon: "Oh, wow, that doesn't seem fair."
Stephen Hawking: "It's fine, I've been on The Simpsons."
Sheldon: "But how do you deal with the success of your colleagues?"
Stephen Hawking: "I remind myself every scientific advancement is a victory. Also, I was on Star Trek."
Leonard: "Oh, it was a good one. He played poker with Sir Isaac... You don't care."
Stephen Hawking: "Don't waste your time on jealousy, Sheldon, you're too brilliant."
Penny: "How can you feel bad if Stephen Hawking says you're brilliant?"
Sheldon: "I can't. Thank you, Professor Hawking. You are a gift to mankind. There should be statues of you everywhere. You know, the Lincoln Memorial has a big chair, we could swap you right in."
Stephen Hawking: "I always thought a motorized toy of me would be cool."
Sheldon: "What a wonderful idea! How does this man not have a Nobel?"
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