Bild från serien "Stay close"

Stay close

Avsnitt: Episode #1.7

Michael Broome (James Nesbitt) möter upp med sin flickvän Lorraine Briggs (Sarah Parish) utanför nattklubben Vipers, där hon arbetar. Lorraine har
cancer och Michael vill naturligtvis hjälpa till så mycket som möjligt, men Lorraine är inte själaglad över Michaels försök att hjälpa till.

Lorraine: "Business or pleasure?"
Michael: "A witness gave us a lead, I thought Rudy could be able identify him."
Lorraine: "No dice, huh?"
Michael: "No. Rudy said you went to the doctor's."
Lorraine: "Oh, yeah. Great news. I'm cured."
Michael: "I know you don't want to talk about this, but I found a place in Sweden..."
Lorraine: "Oh, god!"
Michael: "Listen, I know you'll say it's a waste of time, but they're doing this study. And the trials, they're in very early stages, but they're promising you know. It could buy you more time. Take a look!"
Lorraine: "No. No!"
Michael: "But isn't it worth it if there's a slim chance?"
Lorraine: "There's not. Not for me."

Audio file

Affisch för serien "Stay close"

Monica Eriksson

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