Veronica Mars
Avsnitt: There's got to be a morning after pill
Efter mordet på rektor Cyrus O'Dell (Ed Begly Jr.) tar sig Keith Mars (Enrico Colantoni) an fallet då den lokala polisen gett upp. Han hittar snabbt lite udda saker, nämligen att tjejen Nish (Chastity Dotson) säger sig ha kastat ägg på rektorns Volvo och rektorns fru Mindy (Jaime Ray Newman) säger att hon hade Volvon i stället för familjens mini-van:
Mindy O'Dell: "What did you find?"
Keith: "It says a mini-van was parked on Cyrus's spot the night he was killed. My daughter told me he normally drove an old Volvo?"
Mindy O'Dell: "He did. The mini-van's mine; we traded cars for the weekend. Cyrus needed the van to haul his son's drum kit around while I was out of town."
Audio file
När Keith kommer hem berättar han för sin dotter Veronica (Kristen Bell) om vad han har upptäckt:
Keith: "Good, you're up. We've got a little conundrum. Nish says she egged the dean's Volvo on campus the night he was murdered. Mindy says she had the Volvo parked on the Neptune Grand all night. Any guess as to who's lying?"
Veronica: "Both of them? I don't know."
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