Breaking bad
Avsnitt: Hermanos
Hand Schader (Dean Norris) är övertygad om att Gustavo Fring (Giancarlo Esposito) är inblandad i tillverkningen och distributionen av förstklassikt metamfetamin, och berättar detta för Walt (Bryan Cranston) när de sitter i sin bil vid parkeringen vid restaurangen Los Pollos Hermanos som Gustavo är chef på.
Hank: "Officially, Fring's not a suspect. But I'm telling you... Something deep down says he's my guy. Just got to prove it."
Walt: "Hank, why... why are you telling me this?"
Hank: "I need a favor."
Walt: "What favor?"
Hank: "See that Volvo station wagon over there? I mean, the guy drives a 10-year-old Volvo. It's brilliant. Anyway, listen. What I need for you to do... stick this on it. GPS tracker. You know, wifey thinks hubby's screwing around on her, but she wants to be sure."
Walt: "Hmm."
Hank: "You stick this on the car. This part right here? It's a magnet. And see where he goes."
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