Simma lugnt, Larry
Avsnitt: The divorce
Larry David (Larry David) ska skilja sig och allt går bra tills Larry hakar upp sig på en liten detalj. Han har hela tiden trott att hans advokat, Andrew Berg (Paul F. Tompkins) var jude. Men när han får reda på att han gått på en katolsk skola och åker motorcykel så bestämmer han sig för att konfrontera Andrew och fråga ut honom. Han får all fakta, men flippar ur så klart, han är ju Larry. Han lämnar kontoret och fortsätter diskussionen med sina kompisar Jeff (Jeff Garlin) och Leon (J.B. Smoove):
Andrew: "Oh, I'm not-- I'm not Jewish."
Larry: "Oh! You're not."
Andrew: "Did you think I was Jewish?"
Larry: "Oh. Yes, I did."
Andrew: "Because of Berg!"
Larry: "Yes, because of Berg."
Andrew: "Because of Berg."
Larry: "Yes."
Andrew: "I've often wondered, you know, would people..."
Larry: "Really?"
Andrew: "Think that."
Larry: "Yes, and you did nothing to perpetuate that, did you?"
Andrew: "Well, no, I mean... Well, I'm not sure what you mean."
Larry: "Oh, how about on my birthday? 'Mazel tov, Larry.'"
Andrew: "Well, you're Jewish. It's only respectful."
Larry: "On the high holy days, I said, 'hey, you going to temple, Berg?' And you went, 'no.'"
Andrew: "Right, 'cause I'm not Jewish so why would I go to temple?"
Larry: "Right, like, 'I'm a Jew, but not a practicing Jew.'"
Andrew: "Oi, Larry, with this..."
Larry: "Oi! Again! See?"
Andrew: "It's an expression."
Larry: "There's another... It's an expression?"
Andrew: "It's an expression that people use."
Larry: "What is this thing? A shofar. Why is this on your desk?"
Andrew: "People give me gifts. They'll give me like... That for my desk or the mezuzah that's on the door."
Larry: "What are you, by the way?"
Andrew: "I'm Swedish."
Larry: "I got a Swede lawyer? She's gonna get everything!"
Andrew: "You got a good lawyer. You got the best lawyer, Larry."
Larry: "I'm sorry, Berg."
Andrew: "It's a shanda, Larry."
Larry: "I got sweded."
Larry: "So did you know Berg was a Swede?"
Jeff: "I thought he was Jewish. He seemed Jewish."
Audio file
Diskussionen mellan vänner fortsätter och kommer in på advokatspåret igen när vännen Marty Funkhouser (Bob Einstein) dyker upp och annonserar att han också ska skiljas.
Larry: "What are you so glum about?"
Jeff: "It's just that everybody's getting a chance to get divorced except me. You get divorced, you get divorced, you don't even need to get divorced. Even the owner of the Dodgers, O'Donnell, he gets a divorce."
Larry: "Shit, I just realized something. O'Donnell's got the Swede. I should really tell him about Berg."
Marty: "What's wrong with Berg?"
Jeff: "He's not a Jew."
Larry: "He's a Swede."
Marty: "He is? I was at his house for hanukah."
Joe O'Donnell (Gary Cole): "He's a Swede?"
Larry: "A Swede."
Joe: "You're kidding me?"
Larry: "No, he's a Swede."
Joe: "I just... I mean... I knew there was something that didn't add up about that guy."
Larry: "It's true."
Joe: "He took me for a ride, that's what he did."
Audio file
Alla som Larry rekommenderar att byta advokat gör så, och råkar naturligtvis illa ut. De går till en annan advokat och förlorar i stort sett allt de äger och har.
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